MELANOCYL TABLET-40 (Methoxsalen 40mg.)

48 $144 $

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Pack Size Price Per Unit Quantity Price Action
40 Tablet/s
48 $
80 Tablet/s
84 $
120 Tablet/s
96 $
200 Tablets/s
144 $


MELANOCYL TABLET-40 (Methoxsalen 40mg.) Belongs to a group of medications called Antipsoriatics. It is utilized with controlled bright light for the successful treatment of certain skin infections like vitiligo and psoriasis.

Psoriasis is a condition in which the skin cells within the body grow too quickly and shape scales and dry patches, generally on the scalp, elbows, knees, and lower back.

Vitiligo is a long-term condition in which pale white patches are created on any zone of skin (commonly on the confront, neck, and hands, and in skin wrinkles) due to the need for melanin.

In psoriasis, MELANOCYL TABLET is expected to work by harming the DNA on presentation to light, resulting in diminished cell duplication, but other instruments may moreover be playing a part. In vitiligo, it has been recommended that melanocytes (cells containing the pigment called melanin) within the hair follicle are fortified by MELANOCYL TABLET to move up the follicle and to repopulate the peripheral layer of your skin.

Safety & Precautions

For MELANOCYL TABLET treatment, your specialist may advise you to wear wrap-around shades that piece should block or absorb bright light,

Avoid exposure of your skin and lips to daylight for 8 hours after treatment

Wear defensive clothing like a cap or gloves to cover as much of your body as conceivable after treatment and utilize a sunscreen product having a security factor of at slightest 15 (only after treatment).

MELANOCYL TABLET isn’t suggested for use e in patients having aphakia (not having a focal point inside the eye), existing or history of melanoma, intrusive squamous cell carcinoma, or photosensitivity maladies.

Before taking MELANOCYL TABLET, inform your doctor if you have got or ever had different basal cell carcinoma, past arsenic, x-ray or Grenz beam therapy, heart, or liver infections, persistent disease, or if you’re incapable of enduring delayed standing or presentation to warm push.

MELANOCYL TABLET should only be taken during pregnancy if your doctor finds it vital. In young ladies, it is recommended to use contraception all through the treatment.

When breastfeeding you should avoid taking MELANOCYL TABLET.


  • Tingling
  • Redness of the skin
  • Sickness
  • Exceptional Discouragement

Uncommon Side Effects

  • Depression
  • Dizziness, headache
  • Swelling, rash
  • Leg cramps.

Stop taking MELANOCYL TABLET and contact your specialist promptly if you encounter any of the following side effects:

  • Small growths on the skin or skin sores that will not heal.
  • Serious burns

Additional information

Pack Size

40 Tablet/s, 80 Tablet/s, 120 Tablet/s, 200 Tablets/s

Price Per Unit

$1.20, $1.05, $0.80, $0.72