Skintret cream (Tretinoin 0.025%)

23 $72 $

Skintret cream (Tretinoin 0.025%)                                          

Skintret Cream (Tretinoin 0.025%) is a type of vitamin A used to treat acne that appears as spots and pimples on the face, chest, and back.  Skintret Cream (Tretinoin 0.025%) is also the gold standard anti-aging ingredient that is FDA-approved to help smooth rough facial skin and reduce fine lines on the skin. Using Skintret cream (Tretinoin 0.025%) will make your skin less wrinkled, firmer, smoother, and tighter, everything you could want from an anti-aging ingredient. Using Cream in the Treatment of Acne is a type of vitamin A that will help treat acne by cleaning skin pores and preventing the appearance of age spots and acne. It usually takes several weeks to see noticeable effects. Therefore, please continue using it even if you do not feel any effects. The medicine helps improve your mood and boost your self-confidence while creating acne-free skin. Ideally, it is recommended to be applied selectively at night for the period prescribed by your doctor.

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Pack Size Price per Unit Quantity Price Action
23 $
6 Cream/s
42 $
9 Cream/s
59 $
12 Cream/s
72 $


Skintret cream (Tretinoin 0.025%)                                      

Skintret Cream (Tretinoin 0.025%) is a type of vitamin A used to treat acne that appears as spots and pimples on the face, chest, and back.  Skintret Cream (Tretinoin 0.025%) is also the gold standard anti-aging ingredient that is FDA-approved to help smooth rough facial skin and reduce fine lines on the skin.

Benefits of Skintret cream (Tretinoin 0.025%) Cream

Skintret cream (Tretinoin 0.025%) will make your skin less wrinkled, firmer, smoother, and tighter, everything you could want from an anti-aging ingredient. Using Cream in the Treatment of Acne is a type of vitamin A. It helps treat acne by cleaning skin pores and preventing the appearance of age spots and acne. It usually takes several weeks to see noticeable effects. Therefore, please continue using it even if you do not feel any effects.

Sometimes acne gets worse before it gets better. However, if used correctly, your skin will be clear. The sooner you start using it, the less likely you are to get a scar. This medicine helps improve your mood and boost your self-confidence while creating acne-free skin. Ideally, it is recommended to be applied selectively at night for the period prescribed by your doctor.

Safety & precautions 

  • wash and dry the affected area before applying a thin layer of this medication.
  • Follow your doctor’s instructions.
  • Do not apply it to broken or damaged skin.
  • Avoid contact with your mouth, eyes, and nose.
  • do not perform waxing (hair removal) or laser treatments during treatment.
  • Drink plenty of water and use moisturizer, as it can cause dryness in your mouth.

It may take several weeks for symptoms to improve but continue to use it regularly for maximum benefit. If you don’t see improvement after a few weeks, see your doctor again.

side effects:

  •  Erythema (skin redness)
  • Skin irritation
  • Dry skin
  • Dry lips
  • Pale red skin
  • Increased sensitivity to light
  • Symptoms are usually mild and get better as your body gets used to the medicine.

Additional information

Pack Size

3Cream/s, 6 Cream/s, 9 Cream/s, 12 Cream/s

Price per Unit

$7.50, 7$, $6.50, $6