Slimmer Capsules

15 $32 $

Slimmer Capsules were created to improve your digestion functions and increase energy levels. It is a rich and unique blend of four herbs.  Amalaki, Vibhitaki & Haritaki Each herb is known to support your digestive functions and colon health.  Slimmer also acts as a mild laxative and contains many antioxidants that help to promote a strong immune system.

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Pack Size Price Per Unit Quantity Price Action
60 Tablet/s
15 $
120 Tablet/s
24 $
180 Tablet/s
32 $


Slimmer Capsules were created to improve your digestion functions and increase energy levels.

It is a rich and unique blend of four herbs. Each herb is known to support your digestive functions and colon health.  Slimmer also acts as a mild laxative and contains many antioxidants that help to promote a strong immune system.


Amalaki Fr. (Emblica officinalis)

Bibhitak P. (Terminalia blerica)

Haritaki. P (Terminalia chebula)

Mustak Rz. (Cyperus rotundus)


Slimmer is available in an easy-to-consume tablet form, Slimmer is a blend of gut health-supporting herbs. It contains herbs that help restore normal digestion and provide a mild laxative effect for smooth bowel movements. It also has the additional beneficial effect of reducing hyperacidity and improving appetite. The unique gut health supplement formula of four herbs in one pill detoxifies the body and enhances the absorption of vital nutrients. All the ingredients are used to make the slimmer pass through stringent quality testing processes to ensure ingredients’ purity, safety, and potency. It provides high tannin levels to help deal with digestive issues, which are common today due to hectic lifestyles and junk food consumption.

How to use

Available as a tablet, the recommended dosage of SLIMMER ( Amalaki, Vibhitaki & Haritaki) is one tablet, 1 to 2 times a day. For the best results, these tablets should preferably be taken with lukewarm water and meals.

Children under 12 years and pregnant or lactating women need to consult a physician before using this health supplement.

Side effects

These tablets are safe for the human health of any age and gender. They have no negative effects on human health if they are taken according to the dosage prescribed by your doctor.

Additional information

Pack Size

60 Tablet/s, 120 Tablet/s, 180 Tablet/s

Price Per Unit

$0.25, $0.20, $0.18