Snovitra Power 100 mg. (40 mg. Vardenafil + 60 mg. Dapoxetine)

90 $264 $

Snovitra Power 100 mg. (40 mg. Vardenafil + 60 mg. Dapoxetine) is an amplified dose of Vardenafil combined with dapoxetine to give better results These 2 generic drugs are widely used to treat male sexual problems. With 40 Mg of Vardenafil, there is a high chance that even men who have ED that failed to respond to a lower dose will respond to this one. It also has 60 Mg of Dapoxetine which should make it possible to delay ejaculation reasonably longer.

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Pack Size Price Per Unit Quantity Price Action
60 Tablet/s
90 $
90 Tablet/s
126 $
150 Tablet/s
188 $
200 Tablet/s
240 $
350 Tablet/s
264 $


 Snovitra Power 100 mg. (40 mg. Vardenafil + 60 mg. Dapoxetine) is an amplified dose of Vardenafil combined with dapoxetine to give better results These 2 generic drugs are widely used to treat male sexual problems. With 40 Mg of Vardenafil, there is a high chance that even men who have ED that failed to respond to a lower dose will respond to this one. It also has 60 Mg of Dapoxetine which should make it possible to delay ejaculation reasonably longer. Snovitra Power 100 Mg should be Used If you have tried a lower dose of this combined therapy and it did not do much for your condition, then you should try this Snovitra Power 100 Mg. It will particularly be stronger for erectile dysfunction.  You should note that occasional ED and PE don’t necessitate treatment like this one. Sometimes you may be too tired to get an erection or extremely excited and you ejaculate earlier than normal.

Safety & Precautions

  • Men with certain medical conditions, such as severe heart or liver problems, should also avoid taking this medication.
  • Do not take more than one pill a day.
  • If you are unsure whether Super Vilitra is safe for you, it is important to consult your doctor.
  • Have you been advised to avoid vigorous activities of which sex is one of them?

Don’t use Snovitra Power 100 Mg

  • If you have allergies to Snovitra Power 100 Mg or its ingredients
  • You are an alcoholic and are still drinking.
  • You are on medication that contains nitrates.
  • Your heart is too weak to handle strenuous activity.
  • Your penis is deformed.
  • You had an operation on your heart.
  • You are already on a similar regimen.

Side Effects:

A high dose of Vardenafil will most likely cause minor side effects. It will take some time before your system gets used to the drug, so you need to bear with it. However, if side effects get intense, halt the use of the drug and seek guidance from the specialist. Common side effects include the following.

  • Headache
  • Back pain
  • Face turning red.
  • Feeling hot around the face and neck
  • Muscle aches
  • Nausea
  • Unclear vision
  • Dizziness

 Contact your doctor if you have the following side effects.

  • Chest pain
  • Priapism
  • Sudden loss of sight
  • Fainting
  • Change in ear pressure that creates a ring.
  • lowered blood pressure
  • Swollen eyes


Additional information

Pack Size

60 Tablet/s, 90 Tablet/s, 150 Tablet/s, 200 Tablet/s, 350 Tablet/s

Price Per Unit

$1.50, $1.40, $1.25, $1.20, $1.10