Syndopa 110 Tablet (Levodopa 100mg + Carbidopa 10mg)

45 $108 $

Syndopa 110 Tablet (Levodopa 100mg + Carbidopa 10mg) is a highly effective medication for managing Parkinson’s disease. It helps relieve symptoms such as tremors, muscle stiffness, and difficulty moving. Adhere to the prescribed schedule for optimal benefits. Consult your doctor for comprehensive medical advice.

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Pack Size Price Per Unit Quantity Price Action
150 Tablet/s
45 $
300 Tablet/s
78 $
450 Tablet/s
108 $


Syndopa 110 Tablet (Levodopa 100mg + Carbidopa 10mg)

Syndopa 110 Tablet (Levodopa 100mg + Carbidopa 10mg) is a powerful combination medication meticulously designed to tackle the debilitating symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. It stands out as one of the most effective treatments, curtailing tremors, muscle stiffness, and movement difficulties. This medication offers a new lease on life to Parkinson’s sufferers by enhancing motor coordination, thanks to its dual action of Levodopa and Carbidopa. Levodopa converts into dopamine, a vital brain chemical controlling movement, while Carbidopa ensures Levodopa reaches the brain by preventing its premature breakdown.

Uses Of ‘Syndopa 110 Tablet (Levodopa 100mg + Carbidopa 10mg)’

  • Treatment of Parkinson’s Disease
  • Mitigation of Tremors
  • Reduction of Muscle Stiffness
  • Improvement of Movement Difficulties
  • Enhancement of Quality of Life in Parkinson’s Patients

Treatment of Parkinson’s Disease. Syndopa 110 Tablet (Levodopa 100mg + Carbidopa 10mg) is predominantly used to alleviate the core symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, offering considerable relief and improving patients’ ability to perform daily activities.

Mitigation of Tremors. This medication helps to significantly reduce the involuntary shaking of hands, legs, and other body parts that are one of the hallmark symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.

Reduction of Muscle Stiffness. By increasing dopamine levels, it helps relax and reduce the rigidity of muscles, aiding more fluid and less painful movements.

Improvement of Movement Difficulties. It facilitates smoother and more controlled movement, making day-to-day activities like walking, writing, and eating more manageable for Parkinson’s patients.

Enhancement of Quality of Life in Parkinson’s Patients. With alleviated symptoms, patients can experience an enriched quality of life, improving their mental and physical well-being.

Safety & Precautions

  • Take the medicine at the same time every day to maintain consistent drug levels
  • Avoid high protein diet and dairy products while taking this medicine
  • Do not stop the medication suddenly without consulting your doctor
  • Rise slowly from sitting or lying positions to avoid sudden drops in blood pressure
  • Avoid driving or operating machinery until you know how the medication affects you
  • Inform your doctor if you are pregnant, planning pregnancy, or breastfeeding
  • Keep your healthcare provider informed about other medications you are taking
  • Use caution if you have liver or kidney disease; dose adjustment may be necessary
  • Consult your doctor if side effects persist or if you are concerned about them
  • Avoid consuming alcohol while taking this medication

Side Effects

Most side effects do not require any medical attention and disappear as your body adjusts to the medicine. Consult your doctor if they persist or if you’re worried about them.

  • Dryness in mouth
  • Dizziness
  • Headache
  • Abnormal dreams
  • Involuntary muscle movement
  • Gastrointestinal disturbance
  • Sweating
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Hypotension (low blood pressure)
  • Sleepiness or drowsiness
  • Confusion
  • Hallucinations
  • Fatigue
  • Insomnia (difficulty sleeping)


1. How should I take Syndopa 110 Tablet (Levodopa 100mg + Carbidopa 10mg)?

Take Syndopa 110 Tablet (Levodopa 100mg + Carbidopa 10mg) exactly as prescribed by your doctor. It is recommended to take the medication on an empty stomach, avoiding high-protein meals. Swallow the tablet whole without crushing or chewing it. Consistent timing daily can help maintain stable drug levels in your body.

2. What should I do if I miss a dose of Syndopa 110 Tablet (Levodopa 100mg + Carbidopa 10mg)?

If you miss a dose, take it as soon as you remember. However, if it’s close to the time for your next dose, skip the missed dose—do not double up to make up for it. Missing a dose can lead to a lapse in symptom control, so try to maintain your medication schedule as consistently as possible.

3. Can I drive while taking Syndopa 110 Tablet (Levodopa 100mg + Carbidopa 10mg)?

Syndopa 110 Tablet (Levodopa 100mg + Carbidopa 10mg) may cause dizziness, drowsiness, and double vision. These side effects can impair your ability to drive or operate machinery. It’s essential to understand how the medication affects you before engaging in activities requiring full mental alertness.

4. Are there any dietary restrictions while taking Syndopa 110 Tablet (Levodopa 100mg + Carbidopa 10mg)?

Yes, it is advisable to avoid high-protein meals and dairy products while on Syndopa 110 Tablet (Levodopa 100mg + Carbidopa 10mg). High-protein foods like cottage cheese, Swiss cheese, protein powders, eggs, and milk can interfere with the absorption of the medication, reducing its effectiveness.

5. Can Syndopa 110 Tablet (Levodopa 100mg + Carbidopa 10mg) be taken during pregnancy or breastfeeding?

Consult your doctor if you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant, or breastfeeding. Limited studies in humans show potential risk to the developing baby, and animal studies have shown harmful effects. Your doctor will weigh the benefits against the possible risks before prescribing this medication during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

6. What should I inform my doctor about before starting Syndopa 110 Tablet (Levodopa 100mg + Carbidopa 10mg)?

Ensure you inform your doctor about any other medications you are taking, including over-the-counter drugs and supplements, as they might interact with Syndopa 110 Tablet (Levodopa 100mg + Carbidopa 10mg). Report any history of liver or kidney disease so your doctor can make necessary adjustments. Also, inform your doctor if you have any allergies or specific health conditions.

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Additional Information


Carbidopa, mainly used in combination with Levodopa, is invaluable in treating Parkinson’s disease and other Parkinsonian syndromes, such as postencephalitic parkinsonism and symptomatic parkinsonism. It bolsters the efficacy of Levodopa by inhibiting its breakdown before crossing the blood-brain barrier, thus reducing the required dosage of Levodopa and mitigating its side effects.

Dosages of Carbidopa

Adult Dosages

The following table presents the recommended adult dosages for Carbidopa:

Condition Medication Dosage
Parkinson’s Disease Carbidopa (with Levodopa or Carbidopa-Levodopa) 25 mg daily with the first dose of carbidopa-levodopa or Levodopa; may administer 12.5-25 mg with each subsequent dose. Do not exceed 200 mg/day.
Sinemet 10/100 Carbidopa 25 mg daily with the first dose of Sinemet 10/100; may administer 12.5-25 mg with each subsequent dose. Do not exceed 200 mg/day.
Sinemet 25/100 or 25/250 Carbidopa 25 mg daily with any Sinemet strength throughout the day. Do not exceed 200 mg/day.

Pediatric Dosages

At present, safety and efficacy for pediatric usage have not been established.

Drug Interactions

Moderate Interactions

Carbidopa has moderate interactions with 71 other drugs. It is essential to consult your healthcare provider to ensure you’re not at risk of adverse effects from these interactions.

Minor Interactions

Carbidopa is known to have minor interactions with the following:

  • Ferrous fumarate
  • Ferrous gluconate
  • Ferrous sulfate
  • Iron dextran complex
  • Polysaccharide iron

Impulse Control and Compulsive Behaviors

Anti-Parkinson medications, including carbidopa taken with syndopa 110 Tablet Levodopa (100mg) + Carbidopa (10mg), can trigger intense urges to gamble, increased sexual urges, uncontrolled spending, and binge eating. Patients often don’t recognize these behaviors as abnormal, making it vital for prescribers to specifically ask about the development of these urges. Dose reduction or discontinuation of carbidopa or levodopa can sometimes alleviate these urges.

Monitoring and Laboratory Tests

While using Carbidopa, regular evaluations of hepatic, hematopoietic, cardiovascular, and renal functions are advised. Specific lab tests can show abnormalities, such as:

  • Elevations in liver function tests (alkaline phosphatase, SGOT, SGPT, lactic dehydrogenase, bilirubin)
  • Abnormalities in blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and positive Coombs test
  • Lower levels of BUN, creatinine, and uric acid during concomitant administration with Levodopa

Additionally, Carbidopa can cause false-positive results for urinary ketone bodies and false-negative results for glucose tests. The following table summarizes potential lab test abnormalities:

Test Possible Abnormality
Liver Function Tests Elevations in alkaline phosphatase, SGOT (AST), SGPT (ALT), lactic dehydrogenase, bilirubin
Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) Abnormal elevations
Coombs Test Positive result
BUN, Creatinine, Uric Acid Lower levels
Urinary Ketone Bodies False-positive results
Glucose Tests False-negative results

Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis, Impairment of Fertility


No significant differences in mortality or neoplasia were observed in a 96-week study involving rats. No increase in mortality or neoplasia was detected in another study involving combinations of Carbidopa and Levodopa over 106 weeks.


No mutagenicity studies have been conducted with Carbidopa or the combination of Carbidopa and Levodopa.

Impairment of Fertility

Studies in rats showed that Carbidopa had no adverse effect on mating performance, fertility, or the survival of the young. At higher doses, there was a moderate decrease in body weight gain in males.

Pregnancy and Lactation


There are no adequate and well-controlled studies of Carbidopa in pregnant women. No teratogenic effects were noted in mice or rabbits at high doses, but adverse effects similar to Levodopa were noted in rabbits. Carbidopa should only be used during pregnancy if the potential benefit justifies the potential risk to the fetus.


It is not known whether Carbidopa is excreted in human milk. Due to the potential for serious adverse reactions in nursing infants, a decision should be made to either discontinue breastfeeding or the Carbidopa therapy, considering the importance of the drug to the breastfeeding woman.

By following these guidelines, patients and healthcare providers can better understand the complexities of managing conditions requiring Carbidopa. It is essential to consult medical professionals for personalized advice and treatment plans.


  • “Carbidopa.” Retrieved from
  • WebMD. “Carbidopa.” Retrieved from

Additional information

Pack Size

150 Tablet/s, 300 Tablet/s, 450 Tablet/s

Price Per Unit

$0.30, $0.26, $0.24