Zolfresh 10mg Tablet (Zolpidem 10mg)

72 $240 $

Zolfresh 10mg Tablet (Zolpidem 10mg) helps manage short-term insomnia by reducing sleep onset time and minimizing nocturnal awakenings, ensuring better sleep maintenance. This sleep aid is taken on an empty stomach before bed. Stick to consistent timing for best results. Consult your doctor for proper use.

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Pack Size Price Per Unit Quantity Price Action
60 Tablet/s
72 $
90 Tablet/s
101 $
150 Tablet/s
147 $
200 Tablet/s
178 $
300 Tablet/s
240 $


Zolfresh 10mg Tablet (Zolpidem 10mg)

Zolfresh 10mg Tablet is a non-benzodiazepine hypnotic prescribed for short-term treatment of insomnia. This medication helps reduce sleep onset time and decreases nighttime awakenings, thereby ensuring a restful sleep duration. It should be taken on an empty stomach, ideally just before bedtime, for optimal results. Consistency in its usage time daily is crucial for maintaining steady levels of the medication in the body. Note it’s habit-forming, and sudden discontinuation might exacerbate symptoms. Always follow your doctor’s guidance while using this medication.

Uses Of ‘Zolfresh 10mg Tablet (Zolpidem 10mg)’

  • Treatment of Insomnia
  • Reduction of Sleep Onset Time
  • Minimizing Nighttime Awakenings
  • Improvement of Sleep Maintenance
  • Enhancement of Overall Sleep Quality

Treatment of Insomnia. Zolfresh 10mg Tablet (Zolpidem 10mg) is primarily utilized to manage insomnia, a disorder characterized by difficulty in falling or staying asleep.

Reduction of Sleep Onset Time. This medication facilitates quicker sleep initiation, thereby reducing the time taken to fall asleep.

Minimizing Nighttime Awakenings. By contributing to uninterrupted sleep, it minimizes frequent nighttime awakenings, enhancing overall sleep continuity.

Improvement of Sleep Maintenance. It plays a vital role in maintaining extended periods of sleep, ensuring you wake up feeling rested.

Enhancement of Overall Sleep Quality. By providing a more restful sleep experience, it helps improve your day-to-day functionality and quality of life.

Safety & Precautions

  • Avoid alcohol as it can worsen dizziness and drowsiness.
  • Take the medication on an empty stomach for optimal efficacy.
  • Follow your doctor’s prescribed dose and duration, as Zolfresh 10mg Tablet (Zolpidem 10mg) is habit-forming.
  • Do not abruptly discontinue the medicine without consulting a doctor; it may worsen symptoms.
  • Pregnant women should avoid this medication unless prescribed by a doctor.
  • Breastfeeding mothers should consult a doctor before use.
  • Avoid driving or engaging in activities requiring mental alertness after taking the medication.
  • Inform your doctor of any liver or kidney conditions you might have.
  • Report any sudden changes in mood, behavior, or suicidal thoughts to your doctor immediately.
  • Avoid smoking while using this medication as it may interfere with its efficacy.

Side Effects

Most side effects do not require any medical attention and disappear as your body adjusts to the medicine. Consult your doctor if they persist or if you’re worried about them.

  • Dizziness
  • Sleepiness
  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Stomach pain
  • Memory loss
  • Vertigo
  • Vomiting
  • Back pain
  • Agitation
  • Double vision
  • Depression
  • Fatigue
  • Hallucinations
  • Diarrhea


1. How should I take Zolfresh 10mg Tablet (Zolpidem 10mg)?

Take this medication on an empty stomach just before you go to bed. Swallow the tablet whole with water; do not chew, crush, or break it. Be consistent with the timing of the dosage each day to maintain an even level of medication in your bloodstream. Always follow your healthcare provider’s guidance on the correct dose and duration of this treatment.

2. Can I consume alcohol while taking Zolfresh 10mg Tablet (Zolpidem 10mg)?

No, it is advised to avoid alcohol while taking this medication. Alcohol can enhance the sedative effects of Zolfresh 10mg Tablet (Zolpidem 10mg), leading to increased drowsiness, dizziness, and potentially dangerous side effects. Combining the two can severely impair your physical and cognitive abilities.

3. Is it safe to use Zolfresh 10mg Tablet (Zolpidem 10mg) during pregnancy?

Use of Zolfresh 10mg Tablet (Zolpidem 10mg) during pregnancy is not advised as it may carry potential risks to the developing baby, even though human studies are limited. If you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant, consult your doctor to weigh the benefits and risks thoroughly before considering this medication.

4. What if I miss a dose of Zolfresh 10mg Tablet (Zolpidem 10mg)?

If you miss a dose of Zolfresh 10mg Tablet (Zolpidem 10mg), take it as soon as you remember before bedtime. If it is almost time for your next scheduled dose, skip the missed dose. Do not take a double dose to make up for the missed one. Consistency in medication timing is key to its effectiveness.

5. Can I stop taking Zolfresh 10mg Tablet (Zolpidem 10mg) abruptly?

No, you should not abruptly discontinue this medication without your doctor’s advice. Sudden cessation can lead to withdrawal symptoms and potentially worsen insomnia. Your doctor will likely recommend a gradual reduction in dosage to safely wean you off the medication, avoiding any adverse reactions.

6. Are there any lifestyle changes I should make while taking Zolfresh 10mg Tablet (Zolpidem 10mg)?

Yes, consider adopting lifestyle changes to improve sleep quality along with taking Zolfresh 10mg Tablet (Zolpidem 10mg). Maintain a regular sleep schedule, create a relaxing bedtime routine, avoid caffeine and heavy meals before bedtime, and minimize screen time at night. These changes can complement the medication in managing insomnia effectively.

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Additional Information

Dosages of Zolpidem

Zolpidem is available in various forms and strengths, specified for adult and geriatric use. The drug is administered in different formats, including tablets (immediate-release and extended-release), sublingual tablets, and oral sprays.

Type Strength Brand Names
Tablet, immediate-release 5 mg, 10 mg Ambien
Tablet, extended-release 6.25 mg, 12.5 mg Ambien CR
Tablet, sublingual 1.75 mg, 3.5 mg, 5 mg, 10 mg Intermezzo, Edluar
Oral spray 5 mg/spray Zolpimist

The dosing guidelines differ for men, women, and geriatric patients, taking into account factors such as efficacy and safety.

Adult Dosage Considerations:

  • Immediate-release tablet, sublingual tablet, and oral spray: Women should take 5 mg at bedtime, while men may start with 5 mg and possibly increase to 10 mg if needed.
  • Extended-release tablet (Ambien CR): Women should take 6.25 mg, while men can consider starting with 6.25 mg and might increase to 12.5 mg as needed. The dose should not exceed 12.5 mg daily.

Geriatric Dosage Considerations:

  • Immediate-release and oral spray: 5 mg before bedtime.
  • Extended-release: 6.25 mg before bedtime.
  • For Intermezzo, when middle-of-the-night awakening occurs: Administer 1.75 mg sublingually.

Drug Interactions

Zolpidem’s interactions with other drugs can vary from mild to severe. These interactions can either increase zolpidem levels or amplify its sedative effects, thus requiring monitoring and potential dosage adjustments.

Severe Interactions:

  • Sodium oxybate

Serious Interactions:

  • Fentanyl and its various forms (intranasal, iontophoretic transdermal system, transdermal, transmucosal)
  • Idelalisib
  • Ivacaftor
  • Nefazodone
  • Valerian

Zolpidem has moderate interactions with at least 30 other drugs and mild interactions with at least 98 different drugs. For comprehensive personalized advice, individuals should consult their healthcare providers. Keeping a detailed list of all medications and sharing it with healthcare professionals is advisable.

Dosage Modifications

Zolpidem dosage should be adjusted based on specific conditions such as renal impairment and hepatic impairment.

  • Renal Impairment: Dose adjustment may not be necessary, but monitoring is advised.
  • Hepatic Impairment:
    • Immediate-release: 5 mg immediately before bedtime.
    • Extended-release: 6.25 mg immediately before bedtime.
    • Sublingual (Edluar): 5 mg immediately before bedtime.
    • Sublingual (Intermezzo): 1.75 mg once at night if 4 hours or more remain before awakening.

Patient Instructions for Taking Zolpidem

When using zolpidem, patients should follow these key instructions:

  • Take the lowest effective dose.
  • Administer immediately before bedtime with at least 7-8 hours remaining before the planned wake-up time.
  • Do not re-administer within the same night.
  • Use caution if alcohol has been consumed or when taking other CNS depressants.

Managing Middle-of-the-Night Awakenings with Intermezzo

Intermezzo is specifically used for middle-of-the-night awakenings followed by difficulty returning to sleep. The dosage recommendations are:

  • Women: 1.75 mg sublingually as needed; do not exceed 1 dose per night.
  • Men: 3.5 mg sublingually as needed; do not exceed 1 dose per night.
  • Geriatric: 1.75 mg sublingually as needed; do not exceed 1 dose per night.

Specific considerations for Intermezzo include:

  • Use only when 4 hours or more of bedtime remain before awakening.
  • Avoid taking if alcohol has been consumed or if other sleep aids are used.
  • When taken with CNS depressants, lower doses (1.75 mg SL) may be necessary.

Table: Common Drugs Interacting with Zolpidem

Understanding possible drug interactions is crucial for preventing adverse effects and ensuring the safe use of zolpidem.

Interaction Severity Drug Examples
Severe Sodium oxybate
Serious Fentanyl (various forms), Idelalisib, Ivacaftor, Nefazodone, Valerian
Moderate Over 30 different drugs
Mild Over 98 different drugs

Special Considerations for Specific Populations

Certain populations require special consideration when using zolpidem:

  • Elderly Patients: Use the lowest effective dose due to increased sensitivity.
  • Patients with Hepatic Impairment: Reduce the dose due to decreased clearance rates.
  • Patients with a History of Drug Dependence: Monitor for signs of abuse.
  • Pregnancy and Lactation: Use with caution. Although animal studies indicate risk, human data is limited. Minimal amounts are secreted in breast milk but observe infants for sedation and feeding habit changes.

Complex Behaviors During Zolpidem Use

Zolpidem may cause abnormal thinking, behavioral changes, and sleep-related activities such as “sleep-driving” and hallucinations. The risk increases with alcohol consumption or co-administration with other CNS depressants.

  • Abnormal thinking and behavioral changes: “Sleep-driving,” hallucinations
  • Increased risk with CNS depressants and alcohol: Enhanced side effects and complex behaviors

Risk Mitigation Strategies

To minimize the risks associated with zolpidem:

  • Avoid Alcohol: Do not take zolpidem with alcohol or other CNS depressants.
  • Use Effective Doses: Stick to the prescribed dose and avoid higher doses.
  • Full Night of Sleep: Ensure 7-8 hours of sleep for safety and effectiveness.

By following these strategies, patients can better manage their insomnia while minimizing potential risks.

For a comprehensive understanding and personalized guidance, consult your healthcare provider before starting or adjusting zolpidem use. Your doctor can provide detailed information based on your specific medical conditions and other medications.


Proper usage and understanding of zolpidem are crucial for treating insomnia effectively and safely. Patients should follow prescribed dosages and heed warnings about drug interactions and special populations. Always consult with healthcare providers for personalized advice and adjustments.

For further information and detailed guidance on zolpidem, reference credible medical literature and consult healthcare professionals.


  • American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP).
  • U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Guidelines.
  • Medical Journals: Ensure to check the latest peer-reviewed studies for updated information.

Additional information

Pack Size

60 Tablet/s, 90 Tablet/s, 150 Tablet/s, 200 Tablet/s, 300 Tablet/s

Price Per Unit

$1.20, $1.12, $0.98, $0.89, $0.80